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There is on one definitive profile that entrepreneur must possess, even though they come in various ages, income levels, gender, race, education and experience, research shows that most successful entrepreneurs share common attributes.


Entrepreneurs are usually identified by their ambitions to create and innovate (this is to develop new ideas, methods, processes, products, services, and above all, new solutions) which meet new requirement and provide more value to stakeholders of their products and services.
They are always striving hard to bring about positive change around themselves. To them, creativity is the spark that drives the development of new products and services or ways to bring or do business. It is the push for innovation and improvement, and likewise this is where entrepreneurship is more that self-employment or mere business ownership

Flexibility is the ability to move quickly in response in changing market needs. A lot of successful entrepreneurs are very adaptive and receptive to change their trends. They are not dogmatic in spirit, in fact they are not ‘old schools’ in their thinking and perception of business ideas, events and politics.

Good entrepreneurs love what they do. To them, work is not simply ‘work’, it’s their life, they never look at it as their day-jobs or part-time activities, but as their full-time business activities. As such, they work extremely hard to accomplish their goals. This does not mean that they are workaholics or are married to their jobs. No. they only set boundaries, and know how to work hard and work smart.

From the word determination is the extremely strong desire to achieve success but some people mistake determination for ‘passion’ but no its not, determination comes from the mind that wells to do something till the achievement go found and done with extremely desire.
However it includes persistence and the ability to bounce back after rough times. For the true entrepreneur, money is the reward. This is why most successful entrepreneurs are always resolute and dedicated to their enterprises. They endure a lots of things during the early stages of their entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurs expect that they can fail at times but they believe that even if they have not failed they have not learned.

Generally leadership is the ability to create rules and to set goals. In other words, it is the capacity to follow through to see that rules are followed and goals are accomplished. Likewise, successful entrepreneurs are natural leaders who possess many leadership skills/qualities.

 They are good at managing all aspects of their professional and personal lives. They have the ability to make big decisions, and the right decisions. They can have the right to give good opinions.


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